

13 Jan  MARSEILLE – Roll’Studio – SOLO

17/19 Jan  – MARSEILLE – Cité de la Musique – Namaste!

26 Jan  – ST MAXIMIN – Croisée des Arts – Namaste!

27 Jan – MARSEILLE – Afriki Djigui Théatri – AFROBEAT COLLECTIF

31 Jan   MARSEILLE – L’U-percutJAM

8/9 Fév  – AVIGNON – Théâtre Benoit XII – Namaste!

13 Fév MARSEILLE – Salle Antonin Artaud AP-HM Namaste!

16 Fév  – GAP – Théâtre La Passerelle – Namaste!

23 Fév  – MANOSQUE – Théâtre Jean Le Bleu – Namaste!

23 Mars  – MARSEILLE – Afriki Djigui Théatri – Namaste!


09 Mars  MARSEILLE – Théâtre du Tétard – CHOUMISSA

14 Mars  – MARSEILLE – L’U-percut – CATESSENS


24 Mars  MARSEILLE – Théâtre du Tétard BÖGÖ

26 Avril – MARSEILLE – L’U-percut – SERKAT & THE CICADAS

12 Mai – MARSEILLE – Roll’Studio – CHOUMISSA

19 Mai  – LA CIOTAT – Atelier Jazz Convergences – BÖGÖ


19 Juin   AIX-EN-PROVENCE – Namaste!

21 Juin   CANNES – Namaste!

22 Juin  – MARSEILLE – Afriki Djigui Théatri – KHAA PROJECT

29 Juillet  LALONDE (83) – Festival JazzCATESSENS




102 772 réflexions sur “Concerts

  1. After this limit is reached, no more new Bitcoin will be produced. As of right now, there are 19 million tokens in circulation with a maximum of 21 million. However, there are many nuances to these numbers. It is important for any Bitcoin investor to understand the coin’s supply system.  Riot Blockchain recently acquired Whinstone US, the largest bitcoin mining facility in the US based in Rockdale, Texas, for $80m. Whinstone says its facility can produce 500 bitcoin per month – worth a total of $22m at bitcoin’s current value. For example, Litecoin It has a coin issuance system very similar to Bitcoin. His halving happens every 840.000 blocks and his rewards are split in half. Its time between blocks is 2,5 minutes instead of 10 minutes like Bitcoin. This results in slightly higher inflation than Bitcoin’s, but faces the same issue of total issuance. In Litecoin this total issue is close to 84 million coins. In fact, if we examine this data more globally, we will see that Litecoin only quadruples its emission and halving numbers, and reduces the generation of each block four times.
    But I think a lot of people who are deeply skeptical of crypto would acknowledge that crypto correctly diagnoses real problems in the mainstream finance system. There’s just a lot of doubt now — a lot of very legitimate doubt, about whether crypto is actually the solution to that problem, whether a blockchain technology that allows people to operate without these gatekeepers, whether that’s an achievable ideal, or if it’s just doomed to resemble the system that it was supposed to replace. Over the last 10 years cryptomarkets has broadened from peer-to-peer cash alternatives into a complex web of interrelated projects, with a specific focus now on utility rather than simple speculation. This ecosystem will only grow from here. And while early critics suggested that regulation would be the death of crypto, it has become clear that the market is malleable enough to change when it needs to and ensure its long-term prosperity.

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